Receive more job interviews

InPlaay connects job seekers with hiring managers for real jobs that fit without having to apply online.

Say goodbye to fake job positing

We verify every job on InPlaay directly with employers to ensure that jobs are real! 

No more job applications

Connecting you with employers for real jobs that fit means you'll never have to hit apply again. You just wait for interviews requests to come in. 

Get feedback every step of the way

InPlaay will notify you when an employer views your resume, when interviews are requested, and when competing candidates receive interview requests. 

Automate your job search

Access an existing pool of real jobs that fit based on recruiting best practices and your interview activity!

How it Works

1. Upload links to jobs you're interested in
2. InPlaay will assess your fit and confirm whether the jobs is real with the employer
3. Fake jobs will be discarded
4. Start receiving interview requests within a week or so 

About us

InPlaay is founded by experienced recruiters and developers who are passionate about improving the job search prcess for canddiates.